Coyote Teaches Us about Ourselves
Welcoming Coyotes on our FarmsPhoto by: Dave Conlin As a biologist, I delight in engaging with our farmers. This was the latest experience that opened up a whole new awareness…
Welcoming Coyotes on our FarmsPhoto by: Dave Conlin As a biologist, I delight in engaging with our farmers. This was the latest experience that opened up a whole new awareness…
COMMMUNITY is caring about everyone’s best interest So here is a community happening playing itself out in a Maine community~ One of our Maine farmers who raises vulnerable farm animals…
THERE IS A WHOLE NEW WAY TO FARM….. It is the farming of the future that is already happening today. The focus of this farming is: We are part of…
WE WANT OUR CARNIVORES TO REMAIN TRULY WILD… That means…..self sufficient, using their innate intelligence and the gifts that Nature has equipped them with to survive and thrive. By remaining…
SPRING TIME …AND COYOTE PUPS ARE BORN! A very busy time for coyote parents. They want their pups to survive…they need to feed them…but you want them to feed their…
WILD MUSTANGS …. AND COYOTE…. When I give my Coyote presentation to our communities in Maine, I include historical perspectives…. What happened when the Europeans invaded the New World. And…
A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM ~ This children’s book written by Jonathan London, tells a simple yet very powerful story about our relationships with the Wild. It is the child…
What is Sustainable Farming? So what is your definition of it……???. Yes! In order for it to be “sustained”…to continue on in to the future, we are to make use…
There is a new Breed of Farmers here in Maine……. they come to the land they live and work on with a whole new and refreshing understanding of their place…
COYOTES MISS NOTHING! They like to stand in high places in order to take in the goings on in their territory… you see in this photo by Jan Myers. And so…