Today, the first real Snow blankets Maine…. and today, world leaders and the people of South Africa honor the Life of Nelson Mandela…
It is really about celebrating his Courage to speak for his people and his race and his culture…. But is also about celebrating our diversity and honoring it.
There are also those whom most of the world does NOT know, but who have the Courage to speak for others…. and the others are not of our race or culture, but of species other than our own…and have no Voice. They speak of honoring diversity on our planet by respecting those “others.”
So I want to share with you a Film ~ Expose, created by one of those who have courage to speak and act…. something WE ALL have within us…..we just need to discover our own power to make a difference on our planet. And within this film are those who had the courage to speak and act as well. Please click on this link:
The first step to creating the world we wish to hand down to our children, is to first understand the world we live in ….and then decide to use YOUR VOICE to change it. Speak your Voice to the legislators of Maine. Know that the cruelty to Coyote spoken of in this film….goes on here in Maine…..and YOU can change that!