The best way to understand what that word biodiversity means….is to create it right where you live…..where you can see it happening…as you step outside!
This is how ~ Create habitat…..a place where herbivores can thrive. And where herbivores thrive….so do their predators. Where caterpillars (herbivores) have abundant native plants, the birds (predators) have plenty of caterpillars to feed their young.
Then keep looking for what happens! And then there are the pollinators, our native bees…doing their work of making sure the habitat thrives. Such an amazing complexity just beyond your door!
So how do you make this happen? Create meadows! Beautifully manicured lawns that have poisons sprayed upon them are deserts for all Life. Creating meadows with native plants, and not lawns…and watching the Wonder of what happens….This truly helps us to more fully understand biodiversity on a much larger scale…..larger herbivores, like mice, rabbits and deer, and larger carnivores….like Coyote and fisher and cougar!
Let yourself be inspired by this excellent short film of research scientist, Douglas Tallamy, as he speaks of the value of planting native plants….and what happens!