Guardian Animals in Sustainable Farming
There is a new Breed of Farmers here in Maine……. they come to the land they live and work on with a whole new and refreshing understanding of their place…
There is a new Breed of Farmers here in Maine……. they come to the land they live and work on with a whole new and refreshing understanding of their place…
And why do I speak of Wild Mustangs…? Well, I want to encourage you to read this riveting and deeply researched book called: “America’s Last Wild Horses” by Author…
How can YOU participate in creating a healthy, vibrant planet Earth; and how can YOU participate in handing down to our children a consciousness that all life on Earth is…
Coyotes Is this world truly fallen? They say no. For there’s the new moon, there’s the Milky Way, There’s the rattler with a wren’s egg in its mouth, ……
Wildness In his new book, Feral, George Monbiot wrote ~ “Rewilding the landscape is an opportunity to rewild ourselves, and fill the world with wonders of which we have been…
Not long ago, I read a comment spoken by Dan Ashe, Director of our Federal Fish and Wildlife service in Washington. This is what he said ~ “Chimps are one…
Do you know your own Power to make a difference in our world? Three very talented Maine women know their power! And together they have created a magical, and deeply…
Life out of Balance! It is so poignant…Wild Mustangs and Coyotes share in Common Their lives are deeply disrupted, they suffer intense exploitation from a United States Government….that should be…
Believe it or not…. This is a photo, not a painting of Coyote What the photographer, Jerry Mercier, has expressed in this photograph is a sense of Coyote’s belonging to…
Seabiscuit…Coyote… and Us If you haven’t viewed the film, “Seabiscuit” as yet, I highly recommend that you do. And what does Seabiscuit have to do with Coyote? Well…. I would…