Coyotes ~ Your Farm, Your Community
COMMMUNITY is caring about everyone’s best interest So here is a community happening playing itself out in a Maine community~ One of our Maine farmers who raises vulnerable farm animals…
DetailsCOMMMUNITY is caring about everyone’s best interest So here is a community happening playing itself out in a Maine community~ One of our Maine farmers who raises vulnerable farm animals…
DetailsI have exciting news that I wish to share with you ~ The publication of my new book I Am Coyote has finally arrived, and it will be available in…
DetailsWHY IS IT THAT WHEN WE NAME AN ANIMAL WE CARE ABOUT THAT PARICULAR BEING? Humans gave Cecil his name, and so what happened to him mattered. Is it that…
DetailsCOYOTES AND OTHER LARGE CARNIVORES are VITAL for biodiversity….diverse life and diverse life is vital for the health of our planet…. BUT ….diverse life is about habitat …both the predator and…
DetailsSEEKING OUR PLACE ON THE EARTH and understanding the Wild Ones place as well. When writing of our human experience of wildness and what is it in our human perspective,…
DetailsCOYOTE PUPS ARE BORN ONCE A YEAR IN THE SPRING They are tiny, blind and helpless, depending completely on their mother and their father for survival. Coyote parents are completely…
DetailsWHY IS IT….? Coyotes, our Native Wild Dog of America has next to NO protection from human persecution IN THE 21st CENTURY in this country? WHY IS IT…? The…
DetailsTHERE IS A WHOLE NEW WAY TO FARM….. It is the farming of the future that is already happening today. The focus of this farming is: We are part of…
DetailsOUR HUMAN BEHAVIOR affects the evolution of the living beings with whom we share our planet. The following is a quote from The Wild Canids by H.T. Gier “We, with…
DetailsWE WANT OUR CARNIVORES TO REMAIN TRULY WILD… That means…..self sufficient, using their innate intelligence and the gifts that Nature has equipped them with to survive and thrive. By remaining…