When our forefathers declared their Independence from the British Empire, they established our Nation as a Democracy!
A Democracy is a Nation of the People and for the People.
In a Democracy, the PEOPLE are to hold the POWER. But we can only have that power if we believe we have the power…and we use it. Election time is approaching, and all the politicians are out there again, as they are every four years. They want to be a Representative or a Senator here in Maine for various and sundry reasons….some very noble…others merely that of self interest. It is also the same on the National level. They do not hold the Power….you do.
They do not hold the POWER, YOU DO! So I would encourage all of you to contact your Maine legislators that go to Augusta, and tell them that you want the CRUEL EXPLOITATION OF COYOTES HERE IN MAINE TO STOP! Tell them your stories….and then ask them where they stand in reference to protecting our coyotes and all carnivores. Then vote accordingly…remember, any legislator that supports this exploitation will also support exploitation of the earth and of our Maine people. TELL THEM YOU WANT LAWS IN PLACE TO PROTECT COYOTES JUST LIKE THOSE FOR OTHER SPECIES HERE IN MAINE.
If you are silent, and you do not speak up, you are NOT using your power…the power of living in a Democracy. If you do not know who your senator and Representative is here in Maine, here is how you can tract them down:
Go to www.maine.gov/legis/ Once there, click on Legislature. To find your SENATOR, click on Senators and then Senator info lists,etc. Then click on District. If you know your District, then just click on it….if you do not know your district, call your Town Office and they will tell you. To find your REPRESENTATIVE, click on Representatives, and then click on Find out who your legislator is.