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  • Historical Perspective
  • Maine Artists Expressions of Coyote
  • Native American Voices
  • Posting your Land
  • Predator Prey Relationship
  • Protection of Coyotes
  • Returning to our Place in Nature

Relationships that make us Whole

Look at that happy Tail ….caught her mouse! Photo by: Katherine Davis It seems to me that so many persons of our species seek the company of the intelligent, incredible…

A Tale of Two Encounters

Vulnerable Young Coyote Pup Photo by: Katherine Davis How does an intelligent wild canine communicate with our human species? We communicate with fellow humans through our words, and also our…

Coyote Teaches Us about Ourselves

Welcoming Coyotes on our FarmsPhoto by: Dave Conlin As a biologist, I delight in engaging with our farmers. This was the latest experience that opened up a whole new awareness…

Aldo Leopold and Earth’s Ancient Wisdom

I have my own SecretsPhoto by: Katherine Davis   The last word in ignorance is the man who says of an animal or plant, “What good is it?” If the…

Coyote and an Unexpected Encounter

Young Female Coyote Photo by Katherine Davis A blueberry farmer here in Maine called me and in an excited tone, shared with me an encounter with a female coyote that…

Being Wild

I AM WILD Photo by:Janet Kessler In his classic book, The Voice of the Coyote, Frank Dobie writes of Coyote: “They (coyote) cannot forget freedom, and they will not lick…

Cougars are Following Coyotes East

Cougar: America’s Lion If you have had the good fortune to read the newly published Wild New World by historian Dan Flores, you learned of the immense loss to the…

Coyote’s Point of View

Photo by Jan Myers How does Coyote see the world we share with them? Maybe let’s back up a little first….. How does Coyote see herself? Born in a hidden…

The Difference between Hunting and Killing

Coyote ~ Wild Hunter Janet Kessler For the greater part of our species’ time on planet Earth, we have been hunter gatherers. And only recently have we turned to agriculture.…

Orchards Heartily Welcome Coyote

This is a story about an orchard in Maine….A REAL STORY! All was going well at this orchard until a groundhog moved in. This rather large rodent species has the…

The Ghosts of Galveston Island

Our Native Wild Dog ~ Coyote never ceases to surprise and thrill us as they continue to re-create themselves. But as they do so, we observe them helping to re-create…

To Disperse or Not to Disperse

  Why do Coyotes disperse? Back up a minute…what does “disperse” mean? It means leaving home. So dispersal is something we have very much in common with Coyotes and other…

Has WILDNESS vanished in the 21st Century?

I Am Coyote with permission of Jim Koon What is wildness? What is it that makes Coyote wild? Why is their wildness so terribly needed in our world today? Can…

Learning to be a Hunter

Young Coyote Pups by Randy Lubischer Coyote pups are born tiny, blind and completely dependent on their parent’s care. They are not born knowing how to hunt for their food.…

An Artist’s Expression of the Other ~Coyote

Art piece by Sarah Ronald Art has reflected the Values of human cultures all throughout the history of our species. So how does art reflect the perceptions toward wild carnivores…

Carnivore Minds

One does not meet oneself until one catches the reflection from an eye other than human. Loren Eiseley “With drastic loss of habitat, a constant threat from hunters, high mortality,…

Coyote’s Family Planning

Coyote Family Photo by Janet Kessler Here is a phrase I all too often hear regarding the numbers of coyotes on the landscape ~ We need to CONTROL their numbers.…

Why so much Sarcoptic Mange in our Carnivores?

Coyote Pup in Southern Maine with Mange Why does this small Coyote pup look like this? Where is her beautiful coat? This young coyote pup is suffering from a painful…

An Encounter with Coyote

Photo by: Janet Kessler   That Moment in Time   That moment in time when I saw you and you saw me, stands tall within me and feels like a…

Oh Coyote ~ Your Bond with our Native Plants!

Photo by: Andy Marks How many of you have awoken to the night time serenade of wild song? And why the song, and who is singing it? And where is…

Yes! Keystone Carnivores Control Disease

Keystone Carnivore Photo by: Shreve Stockton Human Health is inextricably tied to the health of animals and the environment. And today we are seeing serious outbreaks of disease that are…

Negotiating Relationships with Carnivores

Coyote CHOOSES to play with dog toysPhoto by: Janet Kessler I increasingly come across research on large and powerful carnivores regarding how we humans perceive them, and as a result,…

Coyote and Every Scrap of Biodiversity

“Biodiversity is the totality of all inherited variation in the life forms of Earth, of which we are one species. Thus we should preserve every SCRAP OF BIODIVERSITY as priceless…

The Biology of Belief

How do we perceive the lives of the Others who share our planet with us? In his enlightening book, The Biology of Belief, author and scientist, Bruce Lipton, writes that…

Misunderstood Coyote Behaviors

Our species views the behaviors of Coyotes from our human perspective…. a perspective that often cannot fathom how Coyotes see us and their world. Three behaviors especially are perceived as…

What is Biodiversity? Can you make it happen where you live?

The best way to understand what that word biodiversity means….is to create it right where you live…..where you can see it happening…as you step outside! This is how ~ Create…

Sharing the Land and the Sea: Coyotes and Great White Sharks

IT IS OUR TIME NOW….it is our time now to recreate our relationships with the sentient lives with whom we share our planet Earth.  As our carnivores are recovering or…

Is not Abundance One of Earth’s Gifts?

A sure sign of Spring is the return of our American robins and their melodious song.  They are considered common, and oftentimes do not excite a word of wonder. But…

The Tale of Three Dogs

Over and Over and Over again I read:  There are SO many Coyotes… they are not endangered… they are survivors….no need to be concerned about them. RIGHT….?  NO…..not so right!…

Talking Coyote!

WHO ARE YOU COYOTE? Come join us on the Chris Wolf Show in Rockland, Maine as we share with the community all about Coyote http://www.mainecoast.tv/2018/11/27/cws-2018-11-05-geri-vistein-coyotes-watch-now/

Urban Coyotes and what They Teach us

photo by Christine Hanrahan “Coyotes let us know that the mental boundaries we keep—between the human and the wild— are more porous than we may have ever imagined. In the…

Coyote Center ~ Touching the Profound

“When the mind gives a living being a NAME, the mind thinks it knows what it is. But really it is just an attachment of a concept to a being…

Cod ~ Top Predator Fish

  OH … WOW … THIS ISN’T A COYOTE! NO … IT IS A COD!  And it is an important predator fish of our ocean. Our earth has evolved to…

The Egosphere and Carnivores

“Man’s respect and awe of predators turned to hatred when man’s lifestyle changed from tribal hunters – when he ceased to be a kindred spirit living by his wits as…

Our Children and Coyote

OUR CHILDREN IN MAINE CREATED THIS MURAL After learning about Coyotes as the keystone carnivore …and coming to understand that all things are connected,  the children from kindergarten to grade…

Coyote in your Neighborhood

  HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THIS AMAZING WILD DOG WHO LIVES AMONG US?   The following is a great article about your wild neighbor. The more you learn…

Coyotes Play ~ What does that say about them?

COYOTES PLAY! Coyotes play just like our own dogs play. They like to have fun too. They delight in the joys of life too, just as we delight in the…

Coyote Center for Carnivore Ecology and Coexistence

ANNOUNCING THE COMING OF OUR FUTURE COYOTE CENTER! Our communities have shared with me the need for a PLACE  where we can come together to experience, to share, to learn,…

Coyotes ~ Do we know what we are allowing?

“What is important is to remember that in killing these thousands of animals without being very sure of what we are accomplishing, we are playing around with lives, which involves…

Urban Coyote Research

OUR SCIENCE IS DISCOVERING HOW AMAZING OUR NATIVE CANINE IS! Our Native Peoples who lived with Coyote already knew all this…. Dr. Stan Gehrt, who has been researching the Coyotes…

Coyote Mousing ~ Lyme Disease

HIDDEN IN OUR FORESTS AND FARMS, COYOTES ARE PERFORMING THEIR CLASSIC CANINE LEAP It is a delight to observe their physical agility, the shifting of their ears back and forth….listening,…

Coyote Center for Carnivore Ecology & Co-Existence

Coyote Center for Carnivore Ecology and Co-Existence The people have spoken ~ … of the need for education, collaboration, sharing, empowerment, research,  experience, and change. And so we are listening.…

Coyote and your Family Dog

Do you remember the song from the KING AND I ~ “Getting to know you, getting to know all about you, getting to like you, getting to hope you like…

Coyotes ~ Treat Each as if the Last One

Gary Lawless, Maine’s Poet who speaks for our Wildlife In his poem “Treat each Bear” he takes us to a place of deep loneliness when we humans have left no…

Coyote Fathers and Parenting

  COYOTES MATE FOR LIFE The father Coyote is very involved with the care and teaching of his pups See below a link that shows a Coyote father and his…

Coyote Graphics ~ So Coyote!

Wonderful Maine Artist, Michael Boardman named his company, COYOTE GRAPHICS in honor of Coyote. Here is his brand new Coyote shirt …..SO COYOTE!  To see it on his website visit…

Encounters with Coyote

THE COYOTE STARE Have you ever chanced upon a fleeting encounter with a Coyote?   Maybe you were driving your car down the road, and there standing in your headlights is…

First Light Habitats

LIKE US ~ WILDLIFE REQUIRE A HEALTHY HOME AS WELL.  A HABITAT Large carnivores like Coyotes require a home – a healthy habitat – no matter where they live. Whether…

Each Coyote Counts

A Single Coyote is somebody, a distinct individual.  He or she is the experiencing subject of a life whose quality and duration matter to him (her)  independent of  his (her)…

Coyote ~ Maine’s Keystone Carnivore

HOW DO WE RESPOND TO THE MEDIA ~ when it seeks to demonize our carnivores, especially Coyote? Here we are in the Spring time of Maine. And along with all…

Coyote and The Mortal Sea

WHAT DOES A TERRESTRIAL CARNIVORE HAVE IN COMMON WITH THE ATLANTIC OCEAN? In his marvelous book The Mortal Sea W. Jeffrey Bolster takes the reader on a historical journey. With…

Urban Coyote Initiative

“If there is a single species on this planet who will test our own mettle as humans, who pushes us to understand instead of judge, to study instead of kill,…

The Hidden Life of Trees ~ Hidden Life of Coyote

We humans are like the new kids on the block ~ We are slowly……very slowly learning about the amazing beings with whom we share our planet. In his marvelous book…

In Honor of Dahlov Ipcar

  ” I feel that it is up to the artists of the present to reveal new ways of seeing the world and to create new worlds never before seen.”   …

Beatrix Potter & Carnivores

Beatrix Potter, the famous author of small picture books for children, was born in England in the second half of the nineteenth century. All her books were about animals, many…

Coyote ~ A New Year’s Insight

                        MAY THIS NEW YEAR bring our humanity New Insights into the world of our fellow travelers on this planet Earth…. Sharing here with you the words of esteemed ecologist…

Importance of Habitat in Predator Prey Relations

  photo by Shreve Stockton                                                            HABITAT – HABITAT – HABITAT There is ever increasing research pointing out that habitat can greatly affect the relationship between predators and their prey.…

The Voice of the Coyote

“All of the ecological, biological, and other logical studies that public bureaus and private enterprise may forward, still will not bring “those authentic tidings of invisible things” that the lifted…

Coyote and our Children

This little girl’s name is Willow, and you see her right after she had the opportunity to enjoy our Coyote and the Boy Ben puppet show. The story of a…

Coyote in the City

  I am Coyote in the City Tryin to adapt, to survive I am a fish out of the water Tryin to breathe, and to thrive.   And you think…

Coyote & Braiding Sweetgrass

BRAIDING SWEETGRASS ~ What does this marvelous book have to do with Coyote? EVERYTHING! Robin Wall Kimmerer is a Native American. She is a scientist ~ a botanist. And in…

Understanding Coyote Behaviors

Have you ever had an “encounter” with a Coyote?  “Encounter”…. what is it? Well, it is often defined as an “unexpected meeting.”  Because people in our culture have little knowledge…

National Geographic ~ Coyote America

UNDERSTANDING HISTORY ~ How important is it to understand the REAL history of our country?  VASTLY IMPORTANT! We cannot truly understand the perspectives held in our society today … and…

Coyotes ~ Protection in Chicago

In his book American Serengeti author Dan Flores dedicates a chapter to Coyotes, our native wild canine. In these following words from his book, we can come to understand more…

Cougar Kittens ~ Coyote Pups

Spring and Summer is a time of birth ~ Rebirth of the wondrous array of plants and trees Birth of farm animals under our care Birth of wild ones like…

Chappaqua, New York and Killing Coyotes

When a wildlife tragedy occurs …. I always want to take it as an opportunity to educate, and not point fingers. And so, a wildlife tragedy occurred in Chappaqua, New…

Heart of A Lion

TODAY ~ IN ORLANDO, FLORIDA, ONE HUMAN VIOLENTLY KILLED 50 OF HIS OWN SPECIES, AND INJURED MORE THAN 50 OTHERS…. And we as a species have slaughtered unimaginable numbers of…

TED Talk ~ Cougars and Coyotes

We are living in a time of Transition ~ A Physical Transition and An Internal Transition As we humans continue to rapidly increase our population on our planet Earth, we…

Why do we Need Carnivores Anyway?

COYOTE IS A GREAT TEACHER Coyote is teaching our present generation all about carnivores…if we will open our hearts…and listen! So I would like to share with you a presentation…

Rescue Road ~ Our Dogs and Coyote

Rescue Road… a new book by author Peter Zheutlin A marvelous book that has two sides to it ~ * First, the immense suffering of our best friends, our domestic dogs…

Bringing Nature Home

SPRING IS HERE! ALL LIFE IS SEEKING REBIRTH… And in that context, I wish to share my thoughts. I was asked to give a presentation on Coyote’s important role in…

Coyote ~ the Keystone

Spring is arriving, and all new life is appearing~ How DIVERSE AND HEALTHY is this life? Are the predators present? Is the KEYSTONE PREDATOR present? FOR PREDATION IS THE FUNDAMENTAL…

Mahatma Gandhi and Coyote

Words of Gandhi that speak for all Life ~ “When I despair, I want to keep remembering that the way of truth and love has always won. There have been…

Coyotes and their Telos

Coyote Family ~ “We are made to acknowledge that they [coyotes] are not of our making, that they have little or no need of our continued existence – they recall…

Wild Mustangs and Coyotes…and Your Choices

Choices you make may determine if this Coyote pup will survive. and   may determine if Wild Mustangs will survive. What do you mean?…. you may be asking. Let me…

Coyote ~ Choosing to see who they really are

MAKING CHOICES IN THE NEW YEAR 2016 ~ I wish to share with you a short video that an observant person placed on You tube of two coyote mates assisting each…

Coyote and Christmas Cheer

COYOTES LOVE TO SING… we all know that! In her newly published book….out just in time for Christmas… Maine’s very special artist,  Kathleen Fox shares the wonder that our children…

“I Am Coyote” Inspires Art

When our Words inspire Art…… Renowned Maine artist, Evelyn Dunphy, after reading         I Am Coyote   was inspired to create this powerful watercolor. Her moving work depicts a dramatic event…

Coyotes ~ Your Farm, Your Community

COMMMUNITY is caring about everyone’s best interest So here is a community happening playing itself out in a Maine community~ One of our Maine farmers who raises vulnerable farm animals…

I Am Coyote

I have exciting news that I wish to share with you ~ The publication of my new book I Am Coyote has finally arrived, and it will be available in…

Coyote has a Name!

WHY IS IT THAT WHEN WE  NAME AN ANIMAL WE CARE ABOUT THAT PARICULAR BEING? Humans gave Cecil  his name, and so what happened to him mattered. Is it that…

Healthy Habitat and Biodiversity

COYOTES AND OTHER LARGE CARNIVORES are VITAL for biodiversity….diverse life and diverse life is vital for the health of our planet…. BUT ….diverse life is about habitat …both the predator and…

Coyote ~ A Wild Creation

SEEKING OUR PLACE ON THE EARTH and understanding the Wild Ones place as well. When writing of our human experience of wildness and what is it in our human perspective,…

Killing Coyotes ~ the Unseen Suffering

COYOTE PUPS ARE BORN ONCE A YEAR IN THE SPRING They are tiny, blind and helpless, depending completely on their mother and their father for survival. Coyote parents are completely…

Our Laws ~ Why do they NOT Protect Coyotes?

  WHY IS IT….? Coyotes, our Native Wild Dog of America has next to NO protection from human persecution IN THE 21st CENTURY in this country? WHY IS IT…? The…

Our Dogs “Speak” to Coyote

THERE IS A WHOLE NEW WAY TO FARM….. It is the farming of the future that is already happening today.  The focus of this farming is: We are part of…

Coyote: Evolution of America’s Wild Dog

OUR HUMAN BEHAVIOR  affects the evolution of the living beings with whom we share our  planet. The following is a quote from The Wild Canids by H.T. Gier “We, with…

Coyotes & our Guard Dogs…speak to each other

WE WANT OUR CARNIVORES TO REMAIN TRULY WILD… That means…..self sufficient, using their innate intelligence and the gifts that Nature has equipped them with to survive and thrive. By remaining…

Coyote ~ Research and Human Behavior

DOES WHAT WE LEARN THROUGH OUR RESEARCH TRANSLATE INTO OUR HUMAN BEHAVIOR? Here is an example…and then you decide. Research was conducted in Utah because ranchers were concerned that the…

Coyote ~ Seeing beyond what is….

We all have the freedom to choose how we see our world. And how we see our world affects how we act in our world……. HOW DO YOU SEE COYOTE? WHY…

Coyotes ~ They know how to live among us

  YOU SEE BEFORE YOU TWO VERY INTELLIGENT SPECIES COMMUNICATING WITH EACH OTHER in a way only they know …. two coyote mates and crow Intelligent carnivores like Coyotes have…

Coyote Connections

                                                                                                                                                                                                       How can you participate in creating the kind of world we want to hand down to our children? In answer to that, I wish to share with you how…

Coyote and Ecological Relationships


Coyote Inspirations

COYOTE INSPIRES ART AND POETRY~ The following poem was recently written by one of our Maine poets when he visited our Coyote Connections Art Exhibition at the University of New…

Dog Fighting: Cruelty to Domestic and Wild Dogs

GANDHI’S WORDS ~ The greatness of a nation is measured by how it treats the Animals.” SO WHAT CAN WE SAY ABOUT THE GREATNESS OF THE UNITED STATES? Dog fighting is…

Coyote and the New Paradigm

This poignant work of art by renowned Maine artist Richard Letham can be viewed along with 49 other extraordinary works of art at the University of New England’s Gallery in…

Open Season

Artists from all over Maine are participating in the University of New England Gallery exhibition ~ “Coyote Connections”  October 9, 2014 to January 15, 2015 in Portland, Maine. This powerful piece, created by…

Jaguar and Coyote ~ Survivors of the New World

An Indomitable Beast by Alan Rabinowitz is a new book following the author’s journey to study and protect this beautiful and powerful carnivore of the New World. The author, a…

Maine Artists’ Expressions of Coyote

Coyote Comes to Portland, Maine! In a wonderful collaborative effort, the University of New England Gallery in Portland, Maine, 31 artist from all over the state and myself offer to…

Last Chain on Billie

“They (coyotes) cannot forget their freedom, and they will not lick the feeding hand that bars them in.  Their self reliance and free exercise of their intelligence belongs only to…

Patriotism…..Yes? … No?

Historians teach us that we need to look to the PAST for us to understand the PRESENT…… So here are two photos…one from the PAST  and one from the PRESENT~…

Maine’s Real Hunters

HUNTING SEASON IN MAINE HAS ARRIVED If these two Coyote mates could speak…what would they say to you…. If you are a landowner in Maine, and you have a Coyote…

Our Native Americans and Coyote

“We shall take your Land…and you will soon disappear.” This is how the white man that came to the American continent thought and spoke regarding our Native Americans here in…

Hunting Season in Maine

HUNTING SEASON IS HERE IN MAINE….. Over a 100 years ago, hunting regulations were put in place here in Maine….for two reasons… The first reason~ to protect wildlife populations from…

Coyote and Ecosystem Balance

“History is who we are, why we are, the way we are.” historian David McCullough Our history as a society on this new American continent is filled with complexities, and…

Lyme Disease and Coyote

HOW WE TREAT COYOTES MATTERS! This past week I spoke with a friend of mine whose daughter is being treated for Lyme disease.  It has been an ongoing difficult time…

Our Declaration of Independence

IN 1775 … OUR FOREFATHERS WROTE THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE The central words in declaring their independence from the oppression and violence of the English monarchy were “Our inalienable rights of…

Coyote as your Neighbor


Pit Bulls and our Humanity

TODAY I READ TWO STORIES ABOUT DOGS … The first was about Dukey, a beloved Labrador who had cancer, and spent the last day of his happy life being showered…

Raju the Elephant and Coyote, if they could Speak

IF YOU HAVE NOT READ ABOUT RAJU’S RESCUE…SEEK IT OUT! In short, he was poached from his mother when he was just a baby and has spent the last 50…

Rachel Carson and the Balance of Nature


Wild Mustangs and Coyote

  WILD MUSTANGS AND COYOTES On any number of occasions, community members will ask me, “Are Coyotes endangered?” You know….this is an interesting question. What do you think is the…

Respect for their Wildness

    NEVER FEED WILDLIFE! So what is the significance of this statement? THERE IS GREAT SIGNIFICANCE, a significance that goes beyond the “common sense” reasons. Katy Payne in her book Silent Thunder,…

Mange and Rodent Poisons

 The beautiful fur coat of a healthy wild Coyote. Yes, this is what they should look like. But from time to time when I give my presentations, a community member…

Who do you see? ….. Where are you standing?

I was in the forest hiking the other day in one of my favorite spots. Usually I hike around a big loop and my hike is completed. But on this…

Coyote Pups and their Song

  DO YOU SEE THE COYOTE PUP? In this rare photo of a coyote pup you get to see who is keeping Coyote parents very busy at this time of the…

Coyote Parents Delight in their Pups

SPRING TIME …AND COYOTE PUPS ARE BORN! A very busy time for coyote parents. They want their pups to survive…they need to feed them…but you want them to feed their…

Our Common Ancestry

We all share a common ancestry with the myriads of life on our planet Earth.  We are not separate from Coyote, whether we recognize this or not. The following short…

Coyote …..Who do you see?

  COYOTE IS COMPLETELY AWARE OF HER WORLD……. Take a moment and peer into the eyes of this coyote photographed by Janet Kessler. And try to feel how she is…

Wild Mustangs …and Coyote

WILD MUSTANGS …. AND COYOTE…. When I give my Coyote presentation to our communities in Maine, I include historical perspectives…. What happened when the Europeans invaded the New World. And…

Learning to See….Can we?


Relationships with the Wild, and our Children

A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM ~ This children’s book written by Jonathan London, tells a simple yet very powerful story about our relationships with the Wild. It is the child…

Coyote ~ Teacher of the Wild

“REFLECT ON WHO WE REALLY ARE BENEATH THE LAYERS CIVILIZATION HAS IMPOSED ON US.”  Cristina Eisenberg Not so long ago I needed to travel by plane, and I felt almost…

Listening to the Songdogs

This wonderful photo by Debbie DiCarlo titled “Howling Lesson” depicts young Coyote pups talent for song, as they join their mother in the happy event. We shall be hearing more…

Native Americans Speak

“In the beginning of all things, Wisdom and Knowledge were with the Animals, for Tirawa, the One Above, did not speak directly to man. He sent certain Animals to tell…

Wildness ~ do you Honor it or Fear it?

WHAT IS YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH THE WILD? Relationships are always expressed in our behaviors….and so our lives can be filled with rich, life enhancing relationships, or they can be filled…

Coyote ~ the Teacher

   COYOTE ~ SURVIVING IN THE COLD OF WINTER Thoughts as you take in this image…. Coyote ~ they hold the answers to questions we have not even learned to ask…

Winter Survival

COYOTE ~ THE SURVIVOR   This poignant scene by photographer Jerry Mercier opens a window of survival for us humans to look into. Here Coyote is striving to take some…

Perspectives on What is Real….

WINTER IS HERE ….SNOW AND ICE AND WIND AND COLD…and Sunshine! We have had our share of ICE this winter already… and with it comes a different kind of WALKING…YES?…

Blackfish …..and Coyote

Killer Whales and Coyote…..?   Yes…..they have much in common!   So to start….I invite you to watch the new film that came out in 2013 called Blackfish. It is…

Courage to Act…Courage to Speak

Today, the first real Snow blankets Maine…. and today, world leaders and the people of South Africa honor the Life of Nelson Mandela… It is really about celebrating his Courage to speak…

Monarch Butterflies … and Coyote

One of our farmers in Maine shared with me a while back, that before the Coyotes expanded their range into Maine, he could not keep the deer our of his garden….suffering economic…

Coyote and the Cats …. Look what is Happening!

Here is one of our Maine Coyotes….going about her important work in this ecosystem of one of our Maine landowners. Our coyotes can have large territories, but within their territories…

Coexisting…What is it….Where is it…?

COEXISTENCE SKILLS~ Note the Coyote Pups easily coexisting in our World Following a Coyote presentation I gave in one of our communities here in Maine, a man who attended, requested…

The Real Maine Hunter….

WHO IS THE REAL MAINE HUNTER…..? Well for one…this photo here shows you the real Maine Hunter…    Nature has equipped Coyote with all she requires to do her work…

Our Dogs in a Trap …..Coyote in a Trap


Canines….Coyote….and our Humanity

Have you ever noticed the GLOBAL RESPONSE OF HUMANITY to a Facebook page or a craigslist story of violence and cruelty to our dogs?  Here is an example of one~…

Sustainable Farming and our Laws

What is Sustainable Farming? So what is your definition of it……???. Yes! In order for it to be “sustained”…to continue on in to the future, we are to make use…

Guardian Animals in Sustainable Farming

There is a new Breed of  Farmers here in Maine……. they come to the land they live and work on with a whole new and refreshing understanding of their place…

America’s Last Wild Horses

And why do I speak of Wild Mustangs…?   Well, I want to encourage you to read this riveting and deeply researched book called: “America’s Last Wild Horses” by Author…

Coyote and the Boy, Ben

  How can YOU participate in creating a healthy, vibrant planet Earth; and how can YOU participate in handing down to our children a consciousness that all life on Earth is…

Coyotes’ Song

Coyotes   Is this world truly fallen? They say no.  For there’s the new moon, there’s the Milky Way,  There’s the rattler with a wren’s egg in its mouth, ……

Rewilding the Landscape … and Ourselves

Wildness In his new book, Feral, George Monbiot wrote ~ “Rewilding the landscape is an opportunity to rewild ourselves, and fill the world with wonders of which we have been…

Coyote Connections

Not long ago, I read a comment spoken by Dan Ashe, Director of our Federal Fish and Wildlife service in Washington. This is what he said ~ “Chimps are one…

Peter and the Wolf ~ Coyote and the Boy, Ben!

Do you know your own Power to make a difference in our world? Three very talented Maine women know their power! And together they have created a magical, and deeply…

Life out of Balance…..Life in Balance

Life out of Balance! It is so poignant…Wild Mustangs and Coyotes share in Common Their lives are deeply disrupted, they suffer intense exploitation from a United States Government….that should be…

Coyote’s Song ~ The Music of Nature

Believe it or not….  This is a photo, not a painting of Coyote What the photographer, Jerry Mercier, has expressed in this photograph is a sense of Coyote’s belonging to…

Seabiscuit…Coyote…..and Us

Seabiscuit…Coyote… and Us If you haven’t viewed the film, “Seabiscuit” as yet, I highly recommend that you do. And what does  Seabiscuit have to do with Coyote? Well…. I would…

Mustangs and Coyotes share….Their Wildness

Yesterday I visited the EVER AFTER MUSTANG RESCUE in Biddeford, Maine.  Mona Jerome is a very special woman who expresses to me “the power of one.” And she has surrounded…

Darwin….Evolution….and our Relationship with all Life

Coyote Pup….Born now in our Maine Landscape….Born with all the Gifts that Nature has bestowed on her …..for her to participate in creating  healthy ecosystems here.  SO WHAT IS YOUR…

Healthy Maine Landscape ~ Healthy Us!

  SPRING IS HERE!  AND SO IS THE DIVERSITY OF LIFE EVER SO NOTICEABLE……..Out come the black flies, out come the ticks, and out come the many, many rodents who…

What does it Mean?……We are all One….

What is the Coyote in this photo feeling….does she feel…..does she feel like us….? From time to time in my work as a biologist, certain members of the community have…

Midnight Orphan

This poignant watercolor by Maine artist, Kathleen Fox was inspired by her own personal experience of catching sight of a starving small Coyote pup alone in the forest at night.…

Songs my Mother taught me

Songs my Mother taught me by Anton Dvorsak  I am attaching a link here with this beautiful, stirring gypsy music of this great composer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOm6MW-U170 Note: the language on the screen…

Coyote Parenthood

I’m a Coyote Pup….I’m lucky because I have very caring protective parents. So Spring has arrived….and how we welcome it here in Maine. It is the time of rebirth and…

Miss Raven Meets Her Wild Soul by Judith Mitchell Oil on Canvas One warm, full-moon, summer night about 3 a.m., my black dog Raven awakened me with a “whuff”.  She…

Reflecting on how we do Things…

A Healthy wild Coyote Family ….a rare sight. and should it be so rare? What kind of world do we want to hand down to our children? It should make…

Coyote Greeting

This beautiful art piece created by Maine’s legendary artist, Dahlov Ipcar, was inspired  by a dream she had. She thought the whole experience to be quite magical. It expresses Coyote’s…

Enhancing Biodiversity

Much research is being pursued on Coyote’s fellow carnivore, the Mountain Lion. If you go to my page on this website with Journal Article links, you can view a film detailing recent…

Red’s Story

 DO YOU SEE HER?    LET ME TELL YOU HER STORY….                                              First, I call her Red, because she was a beautiful red Coyote….expressing her unique genetics in her color. The Maine…

Connecting to our Essence


Coyotes Miss Nothing in their Territory!

COYOTES MISS NOTHING!  They like to stand in high places in order to take in the goings on in their territory…..as you see in this photo by Jan Myers. And so…

Speaking up for Coyote

Coyote Mates ~ they mate for life….until death do they part… And too often here in Maine, death comes long before they have the opportunity to grow old together.  And…

We have Choices

We have choices …..What would be yours?   I want to share with you the article below that speaks of a tragic incident that happened a week ago in a…

Coyote ~ the Teacher

In our Native American myths, Coyote was the teacher….the teacher of how to live respectfully  in the community, and how to treat all life on the earth.   And so today…

Sharing their Presence with Us

Coyotes by Leslie Moore They hug the margins of fields, slip into the creases between trees, glide across gravel roads at dawn or dusk, bellies close to the ground, tails…

A Special Time for Coyote ~ Mating Season

As we bundle up in the throws of a cold Winter, Coyotes on the other hand are becoming more active and verbal….and why? It is MATING SEASON! It is a…

Speaking Up! Look what Happens!

Look into the Eyes of Coyote here….. In our Democracy, our Wildlife have NO voice but ours.  Our polititians and agencies will act only when YOU speak up. So I…

Coyote Pursues

Believe it or not…. These are puppets representing two coyote mates, created by sculptor and puppet creator, Deborah Simon. They are the main characters of a play called Coyote Pursues…

Maine Regulations for Killing Coyotes

 Election time is upon us…and reminds us that we live in a Democracy.  A Democracy, where the People have the Power. Laws in this land are created by the will…

The Elephant Whisperer

The Elephant Whisperer I would like to alert you to another outstanding book that I have just placed on our reading list here ~ called The Elephant Whisperer by Lawrence…

The Faces of our Humanity

   The Faces of our Humanity… I would like to share with you a short film that you can access by clicking on the link below. Though it is short…

Do our Domestic Cats belong Indoors?

 Most often, when conversations about Coyote come up, you can be pretty sure that Coyotes and Cats will always come up, too.  But let me share this with you…Coyotes are…

We the People…

WE THE PEOPLE…. When our forefathers declared their Independence from the British Empire, they established our Nation as a Democracy! A Democracy is a Nation of the People and for the…

Living with Carnivores ~ Respecting their Lives

Grizzley Bear The Grizzley Bear ~ one of America’s great carnivores, that Coyote shares the land with.  But like Coyote, their lives are very tenuous when individuals of our human…

Biodiversity and Native Peoples

I would like to alert you to a NEW BOOK  I have added to our booklist: Biodiversity and Native America edited by Paul Minnis and Wayne Elisens As our Summer…

Our Relationship to the Wild

Wild Chimpanzees Chimpanzees!  They don’t live in Maine….right? They don’t live anywhere in the United States….right?  Their home is in Africa …right?  And what do they have to do with…

ReDiscovering Your Power

Mountain Lion Do you know that Mountain Lions once roamed Maine’s landscape before the Europeans arrived in the New World.  The area of North America that is now Maine possessed…

It is How it is …. Why?

I want to express appreciation of the New Hampshire Wildlife Agency ….they have placed some solid educational information regarding Coyotes on their website for the people of New Hampshire. You can read it on…

The Wisdom of the Child in Us

Coyote Pup by Tim Springer If left to his natural instincts a Child meets every living creature with a mixture of shyness and bright interest. He becomes an enemy of…

A Mirror Image of Ourselves

Do you see the mirror image of Coyote in this photo? How we live with Coyote and each other here in Maine is a mirror for us to look into…look…

Rediscovering Lost Relationships

So I will have you ask yourself this question ~ Of all the aspects of your life, what is it that brings you the greatest happiness, peace, joy, and contentment? I…

“The Power of One”

Wolves and coyotes, our top canine carnivores on this American continent, have worked out between them a relationship that has allowed both of them to flourish prior to pre-European settlement…

Buffalo for the Broken Heart

Wild Bison I would like to alert you to another excellent book that I just placed on our website’s booklist:  Buffalo for the Broken Heart by Dan O’Brien.  So why…

Coyote Beings

Photo by John Tangney  I’m not alone tonight … I lay in my bed while a chorus begins. Coyotes are yipping and howling … … amplified by the waters of…

Knowing Your Power

Wild Mustangs Wild Mustangs … like Coyote … their lives have been abruptly disrupted by the government supported, and abusive use of our western lands by most cattle and sheep…

Silencing the Song

photo by Forest Hart I received a letter from a woman in our Maine community, sharing with me an experience that left her feeling a loss of something beautiful in…


The Double Helix OH, what is this, not a Coyote? Yes, it is the Double Helix, which holds within it the Nucleic Acid Code ~ DNA.  Esteemed Ecologist E.O Wilson…

When the Animals come to Us

photo by John Tangney  When the Animals come to us, asking for our help Will we know what they are saying? When the Plants speak to us in their delicate,…

Vulnerability of Wild Newborns

Coyote pups photo by Dan Harrison For the past few weeks, every time I leave my house, a mother Robin quickly flies out from a medium size evergreen tree near…

Creating positive relationships with Coyotes

photo by John Tangney Take a look at this photo. Do wildlife share relationships with those who are not of their species? So what is happening here…wouldn’t you like to…

How Human behavior affects Coyotes

photo by Janet Tangney What happens when these two Coyote parents leave their pups safely behind, in order to go hunting for food for them…and the parents  never come back?  They…

The Public Trust Doctrine

photo by John Tangney Do you know that over a century ago the Supreme Court of the United States supported the Law instituting the Public Trust Doctrine? And what is…

Learning where the Food is!

Bill Meikle Coyote pups are being born in Maine, and they will keep their parents  busy all Summer and into the Fall. When the pups are very young, their parents…

Coyote Mother Speaks

Forest Hart Wild Mother Coyotes bring their little ones into this world with the greatest of care, and strive with all their being for the survival of their little ones. What…

Coyote Pups Need a Stable Environment to Learn

 Spring has arrived, and all new life is being born here in Maine.  Our coyotes are having their pups now, and the pups will remain dependent on their parents for a…

The Birth of Coyote Pups

  I am Coyote…. My tiny body is being formed in my mother’s womb, and her wild spirit moves from her blood through my body. Through her, I know who…

More on the Purple Paint Law

Coyote protected by Landowner Here are the specifics of the Law regarding the use of Purple Paint. The markings must consist of a conspicuous verticle line at least one inch…

Posting your Land

More and more land is being posted all over Maine.  And everywhere I travel in Maine as a biologist, the citizens are sharing with me that they are posting their…

Nature’s Great Design ~ Predator Prey Relationship

Our wondrous planet flawlessly follows its journey around our sun, in perfect harmony with its neighboring planets; our avian fellow beings of the sky embark on their amazing journeys of…

Historical Perspectives

What is Conservation Biology anyway? Who is a Conservation Biologist anyway? Conservation Biology goes way beyond the study of wildife. Why?  Because in order to restore so much that has been…

Returning to our Origins

Where ever you are right now …take a Moment…Look out the window.  What do you see? Do you all not observe a tiny expression of our Earth’s amazing life? How…